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シティカブリオレ アイコン VW タイプ2 バス アイコン ダイハツ エッセ アイコン ボルボ S60 アイコン


Num of articles:  

26. Wire tuck right side

E:2020.09.21 / W:2020.07.10←06.28

25. Rust hole repair

Entry:2020.09.19 / Work:2020.06.24←08
HONDA CITY CABRIOLET TURBO2 : Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 20

An important challenge in this rehabilitation plan is closing the holes in the base of the wiper. About 20 years ago, I noticed the condition of the part when I swap to the turbo engine, and at that time I only treated it with rust prevention. A small hole was visible from the engine room side. So I decided to repair it this time.

Cover the cleaned engine compartment side, remove the top cover and peripherals, mask the windshield, use a wire brush to roughly remove any rust around the holes, and then reapply the rust inhibitor. Use a repair putty to close the hole. Rough polishing, putty application, polishing, thin putty, and polishing are repeated many times to prepare the surface, and finally painting. Finish with a glass coating. It completed!!

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 19

Finish painting was done.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 18

The surface is now in good condition.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 17

Also fill in the holes for the connector brackets.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 16

The surface is gradually forming.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 15

Cover the holes and repeat the process of arranging the surface.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 14

Next on the right side since I got a feel for it on the left side,

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 13

Smoothed the surface and applied the topcoat.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 12

The top surface has become beautiful.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 11

Repeat the process of sanding and spraying.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 10

Apply 2-component curing putty from the front and back.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 09

Remove the bracket because it is no longer needed after conversion to turbo & injection.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 08

The bracket for the air solenoid control box. This is no longer necessary.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 07

It also covers the engine room side.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 06

Cover the glass and surroundings.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 05

I don't want to see it...

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 04

Pull out the air controller box to access it.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 03

It looks like the rust prevention state is maintained.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 02

Remove the hood, wiper, cover and rubber seal.

Repairing rust holes at the base of the wiper 01

The under the rubber seal is rusting and has a hole.

24. Wire tuck left side

E:2020.09.20 / W:2020.06.20

23. Engine head creaning

E:2020.09.18 / W:2020.06.07

22. Front section inner cleaning (left)

E:2020.09.15 / W:2020.05.31

21. Front section inner cleaning (right)

E:2020.09.13 / W:2020.05.24←16

20. Screw holes for the front grill

E:2020.09.12 / W:2020.05.16

19. Rear bumper&under skirt remake

E:2020.09.11 / W:2020.05.10←05

18. Change the side skirt

E:2020.09.10 / W:2020.05.09←04

17. Wiring repair to fuel pump

E:2020.05.15 / W:2020.05.02

16. Height Adjustable Suspension

E:2020.05.14 / W:2019.04.21

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